Can't find and answer to your question here? Ping us atΒ  [email protected]

πŸ‘‹ About flat.social

What is flat.social?

Flat.social is a creative tool for creating virtual spaces which aim at maximum interactivity, playfulness and fun. Each guests of a space that you create will be able to move around, interact with others around and engage in multiple team activities.

Click here to see what rooms & activities you can add to your flat.

What is a flat and what is a room?

A flat is a virtual space that you create. It can act as a permanent virtual office or a one-off event space. Your flat will have a unique link that you can send to your guests.

The flat that you create can contain many different floors and activities of your selection. You can also brand & customize it.

You can customize the floors in build mode by adding different types of rooms. .

How can I use flat.social with my remote team?

How can I use flat.social with my students?

How can I organise an event on flat.social?

You can do it in 3 simple steps


Signup to get a free flat.social account here


Create your virtual space here. If you need any help on guidance regarding creating your flat find a tutorial here.


Once you have created a flat, you will be redirected to a page with an admin panel. Use it to customize your space. Learn more about branding & customizing your flat and inviting guests.

You're in beta - what does it mean?

Beta means we're still experimenting on how to make flat.social the most fun online meeting platform on the internet and that your feedback can have a great impact on the product development.

New features are deployed often and we're experimenting on how to make flat.social the best place to hang out in on the internet.

How much does it cost?

Check out thepricing page to see free and pro plans available.

πŸ’» Tech stuff

What platforms do you support?

MacOS, Windows and Linux. For the best experience please use Chrome or Safari.

Does it work on linux?

Yes 🐧

Does it work on mobile?

Yes but for the best experience please using a computer with Chrome, Safari or Brave installed.

What are technical requirements for running flat.social?

Any modern laptop with Chrome, Safari or Brave installed.

Please note - flat.social is currently not supported on Firefox. We're working on getting Firefox onboard.

I have encountered a bug, how do I let you know?

Email us at Β [email protected]

πŸ” Privacy & security

Do you record any audio or video?

Hell no. We never did and never plan to do any recording.

Our servers only forward audio/video between guests of a room. We do not persist this data anywhere and never share it with any 3rd parties.

I'm hidden behind a wall in a flat.social room, can someone eavesdrop?

No. Audio and video is only shared between participants in a room when they are next to each other and not divided by a wall. Learn more about spatial audio and video.

Where can I find your privacy policy?

Right here

πŸ“¨ Contact

I have feedback/ideas for you, how can I send it?

Of course! We love feedback. A couple ways to do it:

Email us at Β [email protected]

Fill up the feedback form - Β link here

Visit the demo room to share your thoughts - Β /f/Flat.Social-Demo

I'd like to receive 5 interesting facts about cats from you

Jump into the demo room here: /f/Flat.Social-Demo and you'll have a high chance of meeting someone that will share the behavioural and nutritional facts about cats that you need.