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How to create a flat?

Let's get your started!

Hello there - we're excited that you want to create your first flat!

A flat is a virtual space for you online meetings that can contain many rooms. You can invite your guests to this space so you can all hang around and engage in exciting team activities.


First and foremost, you need to have an account on flat.social in order to create a flat. If you don't have one yet, click here to sign up.


Once you sign-up click on Create Flat  in your homepage. If you're already signed up you can also simply click here to go to the flat creation page.


To create a basic flat for an online meeting you need to provide two things - Flat Name and Flat URL

Flat Name is what you want your flat display name to be. You will be able to see it and all of your guests as well.

Flat URL is the link that you will send to invite guests into your flat. It might reflect the flat name but it does not necessarily have to - feel free to get funky with it. The flat URL that you will type in can be maximum 32 characters, must be lowercase and contain latin letters. Dashes are also allowed.


Once your flat has been created go to the next steps and customize it! The next steps are:

🎨 Customizing and Branding your Flat - logo, cover and background image to make your online meetings tailored for your guests. Add rooms and activities selecting from multiple different types of rooms and build a virtual experience which is tailored to the needs of your guests.Click here to learn more about customizing your flat.

🥳 Invite Guests to your Flat - go live with your virtual creation and open the doors to invited guests. Click here to learn more about how to invite guests.