Let's rewind a little bit to the two basic concept that virtual spaces in flat.social are built upon - a flat and a room.
A flat is a spatial virtual space that you can create and customize. It can contain many types of rooms and activities.
A room is a building block of the flat. Guests who join a flat can select between different types of rooms to travel to. They can move around those rooms and talk with others around.
As a guest you can travel between different rooms and move around in them. You can switch between different rooms by selecting them in the main menu or by using portals which can be placed at any position within a room.
The first way to travel into another room is by using the main menu which contains the full list of them. Within the menu, you will be able to also see what is the capacity of each room and what other guests are currently hanging out in those virtual spaces.
Selecting any room from the main menu will move you into it. You can go back by opening the Main Menu again and selecting the previous room that you were just in before.
Rooms can be added and removed by the admin. As an admin of the flat you can select whichever combination of team activities and spaces that you like and fits your use case the best.
Portals act as hyperlinks between different rooms in your flat. You can add a portal from one room to another and place it whever you like on the map. This allows for creating interactive virtual experiences that guide your guests through different types of activities.
Adding portals is currently available on desktop only.
In order to add a new portal click on the plus icon in the bottom menu and select the hexagon portal icon. You will see a pop-up menu asking you to select which room would you like the portal to direct to. Select the rooms of your choice and click Add. The portal will appear right at your location.
Positioning portals is currently available on desktop only.
In order to move a portal to a different point in the room simply drag it just like you would do with sticky cards.
If you're not in need of the portal anymore and want to remove it, click on it. A pop-up window will appear asking you if you'd like to travel to the room. On the top left you will see a trashbin icon, click on it to remove the portal.
In order to travel through the portal, simply click on the portal and confirm your travel destination. Much easier than taking a bus to the office.
Sometimes you might want to find someone and quickly join a conversation with them without wandering around the virtual room.
Teleport functionality comes to the rescue here. On the bottom right corner click on the icon indicating the guest menu. You will see the list of guests who are currently participanting in the virtual experience in the room that you're in.
Click on the guest name that you would like to teleport to. Pop-up Guest Panel will appear with a list of icons. Select the Rocket icon to teleport!